Nutrition and diet info is everywhere! But is it always the answer?

And each expert and association tries to lead you in their direction because they know best and their advice is going to help you.  Right?

Well, maybe…

Everyone has heard about (and maybe lived through) the intense focus on how much you eat.  This focus has gotten too much attention because while this does affect your weight and energy level, it’s certainly not the “holy grail” of health.

Let’s focus a bit more on the often overlooked (and proven) benefits of what you eat and drink and how you eat and drink it.

What you eat and drink

The “calories in, calories out” philosophy (i.e., how much you eat) is being drowned out with research on other factors that may be just as important.  Don’t get me wrong, limiting calories, carbs or fat can certainly help you lose weight but that’s simply not the only factor for long-term weight loss and maximum energy for everyone.

When the intense focus on how much we ate didn’t work in the long-run, it wasn’t really a surprise. We kinda knew that already, didn’t we?

You can certainly still continue to count your calories, carbs, and fat, but don’t forget to also pay attention to what you eat. That truly is what is most important!

Ideally, you need a varied diet full of minimally-processed foods, meaning more clean, simple foods that are closest to how they are in nature (i.e., not many “packaged” “ready-to-eat” foods).  This simple concept is paramount for weight loss, energy, and overall health and wellness. It is also more of a lifestyle, and a way of thinking about eating and living that will improve your health overall in so many ways. How about more energy, better sleep, weight loss without calorie counting, and fewer minor health conditions?

This is what you should aim for every day, with a focus on eating clean, simple, nutritious foods:

●       A colorful array of fruits and veggies at almost every meal and snack.  You need the fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

●       Enough protein.  Making sure you get all of those essential amino acids. Meat is always a good source, but beans, legumes, nuts and seeds are great healthy options, too! (bonus: eating protein can increase your metabolism).

●       Healthy fats and oils (never “hydrogenated” ones).  There is a reason some fatty acids are called “essential” – you need them as building blocks for your hormones and brain as well as to be able to absorb essential fat-soluble vitamins from your uber-healthy salads.  Use extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil, eat your organic egg yolks, and get grass-fed meats when possible.  You don’t need to overdo it here.  Just make sure you’re getting some high-quality fats.

How you eat and drink

It is also so important to pay attention to how you eat and drink.

Studies are definitely showing that this has more of an impact than we previously thought.

Are you rushed, not properly chewing your food, and possibly suffering from gastrointestinal issues? Do you drink your food?

When it comes to how you eat let’s first look at “mindful eating”.

Mindful eating means to take smaller bites, eat slowly, chew thoroughly, and savor every bite.  Notice and appreciate the smell, taste and texture.  Breathe. Think about what your eating and make sure you enjoy it, too!

This gives your digestive system the hint to prepare for digestion and to secrete necessary enzymes.

This can also help with weight loss because eating slower often means eating less.  Did you know that it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to know that your stomach is full?

Thought so!

We also know that more thoroughly chewed food is easier to digest and it makes it easier to absorb all of those essential nutrients.

And don’t forget about drinking your food. Good? Both yes, and no.

Yes, smoothies can be healthy and a fabulously easy and tasty way to get in some fruits and veggies (hello leafy greens!), but drinking too much food can contribute to a weight problem and feelings of sluggishness.

Don’t get me wrong, a green smoothie can make an amazingly nutrient-dense meal and is way better than stopping for convenient junk food – just consider a large smoothie to be a full meal not a snack.  And don’t gulp it down too fast! Let your stomach and brain communicate to each other before you reach for another snack.

If your smoothies don’t fill you up like a full meal does, try adding in a spoonful or two of fiber like ground flax or chia seeds. Not only do they provide a healthy boost of nutrition, but they add nice flavor and texture to your smoothie, too!

So many of the lessons we have learned about eating have and will continue to change, but the most important things to remember are the basics – to eat colorful meals with lots of variety, whole, natural foods (not too processed) and always consider not only how much you eat, but also what and how you eat it. These tools should help you to find the right balance for you, your health, and your body!

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