So, you started off the year with some big plans & a resolution to reach some goals in your life, and now it’s April, and those goals are buried under that big pile of laundry that needs folding. You know the one. Yup, we do, too, since we always seem to have one of our own! 

So, what was your resolution? What were you working towards? Eating better? Exercising more? Finding more time to relax & recharge? Is it a goal that you still want to aim for? If you answered yes, then keep reading, because we’re here to help you get back on track with some simple tips to help you reach your goals, just in time – before summer arrives!

1. Keep it Simple – first, pick one or two things you want to work on, as starting with simple goals makes them easiest to keep. Trying to get in shape for summer? Try fitting in micro workouts, starting with 10 minutes three times a day – in the morning, midday, and in the evening. By the end of the day, you will already have 30 minutes of movement! Mix it up with walks, bike rides, jogs, and body weight exercise sessions to keep it interesting.

Do you want to eat more fruits & vegetables? Try this simple tip – cut them up and put them in containers to-go, so that when you’re ready for a snack, you have some crunchy carrots or sweet apple slices to munch on instead of prepackaged snacks. This is one of our favorite tricks for busy families with kids on the go,. It takes a bit of advance planning, but having easy to grab goodies is so worth it!

2. Fitting in Exercise – Busy days much? Do you have trouble fitting in time for a workout? We get it! Between sports practices, work schedules, play dates, nap times, and household responsibilities, busy schedules can make it a challenge. One of our favorite ways to fit it in is to make it a part of your everyday life. Going to play outside with the kids? Bring along a jump rope and some tennis shoes for yourself and join in. Play a game of tag, kick a ball or join them on the playground to get yourself moving, too. Kids love yoga, and they may find it even more fun outside, too. Even simple weekly tasks such as grocery shopping can count as fitness – walk more quickly between the aisles, park in the back of the parking lot, and once at home, use your heavy grocery bags as weights as you carry them into the house. You can do bicep curls, lunges, or squats as you unload your car. This makes cardio and weight lifting less of a chore, as they simply become part of something you’re already doing!


3. Finding Time to Relax & Recharge – Feel like life is on fast forward? Is your to do list too long and your time for yourself too hard to fit in? Sounds so familiar, as I’m a busy mom, too. This next tip is all about YOU – it’s time to make time to relax & recharge! But when, you may ask? We all love carving out ME time, even though it’s not always easy. No matter what, fitting in time just for you is so important for good health!

So, how do I manage it? Well, first things first – have you added yourself to your schedule yet? By simply adding ourselves to our schedules, me time becomes a priority. Get your older children or spouse on board to help, and then just do it! Pick one or two ways that you feel recharged and rejuvenated and schedule them in to your days. You are worth it, and once you do so, you’ll notice how good it makes you feel. Investing these small amounts time in yourself will allow you to show up much more ready to be the best mom, friend, wife, employee, & person you can be. The effort it takes to make it happen is so worth it, as time for yourself is like money in the bank – it builds up and pays off over time!


So there you have it, 3 simple tips to start to reach more of your goals. Why let your resolution become a forgotten goal? It isn’t too late to get back on track and make it happen. We’ve got your back! Let us know in the comments how your resolution reboot goes, as we’d love to hear. Bring on the rest of spring, and before we know it, summer!

Looking for more ways to connect with others to help reach your goals? We don’t know about you, but no matter what we’re working on, we find it easier and more fun to work together. Even making dinner or working in the yard as a family is a whole lot more fun than alone! That’s where I come in – I can help you to reach your goals, whatever they may be – just schedule your complimentary health coaching consultation today!

The 5 Day Healthy Habit Jumpstart Guide

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